21st Century Learning & Development
The Use of Assistive Technologies
Anthony, J., & Padmanabhan, S. (2010). Digital divide and equity in education: A rawlsian analysis.Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research,12(4), 37. doi:10.1080/15228053.2010.10856195
Borg, J., Larsson, S. and Östergren, P. (2011). The right to assistive technology: For whom, for what, and by whom? Disability & Society, 26(2), 151-167. doi:10.1080/09687599.2011.543862
Lam, J., Ng, K. K., Cheung, S. K. S., Wong, T. L., Li, K. C., & Wang, F. L. (2015). Technology in education. technology-mediated proactive learning: Second international conference, ICTE 2015, Hong Kong, China, July 2-4, 2015, revised selected papers (1st 2015 ed.). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-48978-9
Lancioni, G. (2013). Assistive technology: Interventions for individuals with severe/profound and multiple disabilities. New York, NY: Springer.
Lock, R. H., & Kingsley, K. V. (2007). Empower diverse learners with educational technology and digital media. Intervention in School and Clinic, 43(1), 52-56. doi:10.1177/10534512070430010701
Øien, I., Fallang, B., & Østensjø, S. (2015). Everyday use of assistive technology devices in school settings. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology,, 1-6. doi:10.3109/17483107.2014.1001449
Ontario Ministry of Education. (2014). What works? Research into practice: Assistive Technology Tools. Retreived from http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/literacynumeracy/inspire/research/WW_TechnologyTools.pdf
Stone-MacDonald, A. K. (Interviewee). (2015). Angela stone-macdonald discusses assistive technology[Streaming video]. Retrieved from SAGE Video.
TEDxSydney. (2013). Ron McCallum: How Technology allowed me to read. [Video File]. Retreived from: https://www.ted.com/talks/ron_mccallum_how_technology_allowed_me_to_read?language=en
Wan, NG. (2015). New digital technology in education: Conceptualizing professional learning for educators. Cham: Springer.
Communication Exceptionalities
People For Education. (2016). What are the categories of exceptionalities for special education? Retrieved from, http://www.peopleforeducation.ca/faq/what-are-the-categories-of-exceptionalities/
The Ministry of Education. (2002). The Ontario Curriculum Planner: Special Education Companion. Retrieved from, http://www.oafccd.com/documents/SpecialEducationCompanion2002.pdf
Research Autism (2016). Retrieved from http://researchautism.net/autism/types-of-autism
Laffier, J. (2016). Week of May 30th assistive technology links. [Word document] Retrieved from weekly topic sits: https://uoit.blackboard.com/webapps/blackboard/content/listContent.jsp?course_id=_27421_1&content_id=_767976_1
US Department of Health and Human Services. (2015). Autism Spectrum Disorder. Retrieved from, http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/autism/screening.html
Physical Exceptionalities
Ahmad, Fouzia Khursheed. (2015). Use of Assistive Technology in Inclusive Education: Making Room for Diverse Learning Needs. Transcience, 2(6), 62-77.
American Foundation for the Blind. (2016). Behavioral Issues in Children with Visual Impairments and Blindness. Retrieved from, http://www.familyconnect.org/info/browse-by-age/preschoolers/growth-and-development-preschoolers/behavioral-issues-in-children-with-visual-impairments-and-blindness-a-guide-for-parents/1234
The Ministry of Education. (2002). The Ontario Curriculum Planner: Special Education Companion. Retrieved from, http://www.oafccd.com/documents/SpecialEducationCompanion2002.pdf
Peel Region Schools. (2001). Categories of Exceptionalities and Definitions. Retrieved from, http://www.peelschools.org/parents/specialed/sep/Documents/B7categories.pdf
Project IDEAL. (2013). Visual Impairments. Retrieved from, http://www.projectidealonline.org/v/visual-impairments/
Saskatchewan Learning. (2003). Teaching Students with Visual Impairments: A Guide for the Support Team. Retrieved from, http://www.education.gov.sk.ca/vision
Teachers’ Gateway to Special Education. (2016). Physical Disability Exceptionality. Retrieved from, http://www.teachspeced.ca/physical-disability
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
Biederman, J., Faraone, S., Spencer, T., Mick, E., Monuteaux, M., & Aleardi, M. (2006). Functional impairments in adults with self-reports of diagnosed ADHD. J Clin Psychiatry, 67(4), 524-540.
Canu, W. H., Tabor, L. S., Michael, K. D., Bazzini, D. G., & Elmore, A. L. (2014). Young adult romantic couples’ conflict resolution and satisfaction varies with partner's attention–deficit/hyperactivity disorder type. Journal of marital and family therapy, 40(4), 509-524.
Strock, M. (2006). Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH).